This black and grey time sleeve was a project that took quite some time to finish. I was very lucky in the fact that My client was very open minded about imagery and how long it would take to complete. That opened the doors of creativity for me and allowed me to work in layers, whcih gives this tattoo the effect of depth and texture it has. this way of working requiers to tattoo the area to a point, let it heal, then work over the area again to then add more detils. Patience is a key factor to get a tattoo of this scale done, but the end result is a detailed and deeply saturated tattoo that could not be achieved in one sitting alone. This sleeve incorporates the theme of time passing by calmy, as shown in the hourglass, in contrast to the frantic fast pace of city life depicted as the bloken clock that is shatering to pieces. Beauty surrounds the time pieces as red roses fogging up the scene with the smoke thats billowing from within some of them. The wise owl sits and watches it all